Leap Second Painter
Net Art
The most recent leap second was added at 23:59:60 (UTC) at December 31st 2016. The leap second painter gifted every visitor present in its webpage during this second with a random and unique painting.
Leap Second Painter was a project that was created for a One Second Residency hosted by Perfect Users Facebook group. One Second Residency program was part of the Leap Second Festival.
Artık Saniye Ressamı
Net Art
En son artık saniye Türkiye saati ile 1 Ocak 2017 2:59:60'da eklendi. Artık saniye ressamı, bu saniye sırasında sayfada bulunan bütün ziyaretçilere rastgele bir resim çizip hediye etti. Artık saniye ressamı p5.js ile oluşturulmuş bir projedir.
Proje Artık Saniye festivalinin, bir saniyelik rezidans programı çerçevesinde oluştulmuştur.